12 Easy Steps to Help Any Parent Support Their Musical Child


Once upon a time, a father claimed to lack musical skill. Her child, on the other hand, expressed a wish to learn to play the piano like Alicia Keys. This mother looked for piano teachers, discovered our website, and called us. As a Student Counselor here, I had answered similar calls before.
I’ve observed that parents also want advice on how to approach these music classes. How can you actively engage in your child’s education if you lack musical ability? It is not as tough as you believe, and it does not have to be painful! Here are some ways you can help your child’s musical journey:

1. Encourage their enthusiasm for music and applaud their decision to take lessons.

2. Do not be afraid to ask your instructor questions. Remember, the only dumb questions are those that are not asked!

3. Go to music lessons with your child! It shows your support and makes lessons less stressful.

4. Set aside a suitable time and location for your child to practice. Your child’s instructor can also propose practice tools (such a music stand, metronome, and tuner).

5. Assist your child by positively reinforcing consistent practice. A practice chart with stars for days practiced was always useful in the beginning; depending on how many stars I had, it meant something special (e.g., 25 stars means a movie rental, 50 stars may mean going to Chuck E. Cheese or another place they enjoy).

6. Join a booster group or parent organization dedicated to your child’s musical development. Meetup.com is a wonderful resource; if there isn’t a group already, start one!

7. When they achieve their goals, shout it from the rooftops! It motivates them to achieve their next objective by expressing how amazing an accomplishment it was, how much work it was, and how PROUD you are.

8. Take it one step further: BRAG (preferably in front of your child)! Private praise is fantastic, but hearing you gloat gleefully in front of other boosts a child’s confidence significantly.

9. Don’t rule out playing yourself. If you can’t sing or read music, select an activity that doesn’t require such abilities. Other instruments you can use to “jam” with your child include the triangle, maracas, and bongo drums. You may feel silly, but it will be one of those bonding experiences that your child will treasure and remember for a lifetime!

10. Do not miss any of their shows, particularly the first. For them, these are the championships!

11. If your child is struggling, don’t allow them to give up on themselves. Learning music, like life, is not always easy or straightforward, but it is rewarding. There is always a solution. Involve the teacher! They are trained to deal with these situations and may be able to provide you with a fresh perspective you had not considered.

12. Finally, I understand that being a parent can be exhausting, but that is never an excuse to cancel lessons in which your child is genuinely interested. This communicates to them that you do not believe in their abilities, which can have long-term effects on their self-esteem.

By following these guidelines, you will provide your child with the best opportunity to flourish at something that interests them while also giving them the self-confidence to explore and learn about themselves – which, in my opinion, is the best life lesson you can teach them!

The program I took part in, OperaWorks, provided me with significantly more information than I had imagined. Living in an unpredictable world, I immediately suspected that it might not have been worth my money. However, after two weeks, I was pleased to discover that both my music and my life had changed noticeably. I’m awesome. This was a tactic I learned to help me prepare for an audition. I can walk in confidently after giving myself a pep talk beforehand.

So, how does this affect my life? In addition to teaching, I work in sales on a daily basis. As part of my job, I’m required to provide customers with a service or product. This might be quite nerve-racking considering I dislike salespeople myself. I recently bought a car, and the worst part of the experience was the salesman. I already knew I was going to buy a car; I had looked into the one I wanted, and he simply appeared to get in the way. Because of these experiences, I try to avoid becoming a “pushy” salesperson.

When I employed my “I am AWESOME!” pep talk in my day-to-day work, I found it much easier to sell to people without being aggressive or pushed over. I was able to effectively address topics, build relationships with my clients, and actively listen and respond to their concerns. Essentially, being AWESOME let me to be myself on the phone and express my personality. What I learned from this is that people sell, not products.

Music is characterized not by the words on the page, but by how the performers interpret them. The composer’s goal was for the vocalist to express and interpret the song rather than singing it exactly as written in a robotic fashion. Which is a love song. This aria was altered in OperaWorks into a “war speech” rather than an expression of amorous feelings. I was advising a nation to defend itself from its adversaries. The song’s entire meaning shifted, but it remained incredibly effective.

The real-life experience happened when I discovered my “pitch.” When you’re on the phone with a salesperson, you can count on hearing the sales pitch. Well, I learnt that it’s not about the words; it’s about what they imply. When I returned, having already remembered the pitch, I started applying the meaning of the words and relating them to the needs of my customers. What I’ve learned as a performer has had a significant impact on my life, transforming me. I entered OperaWorks as an insecure performer and left as a confident man. The results speak for themselves. My job performance has increased, while my personal life has become much more fun and free. This merely demonstrates that things should not be stolen.



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