Find the Right Teacher for Piano Lessons for Kids


As someone who has taught in both public and private schools, as well as private individual sessions, I have noticed that the vast majority of the general public lacks musical ability. There are many aspects to consider, but that is for another time and post. What I’d like to do is provide some information and advice to people who believe they are unqualified when looking for a tutor for themselves or their child. Some of the search process is “learn as you go,” but if you focus on these four areas, you should be able to choose the greatest tutor for you or your child.

Environment and Chemistry

We are all uniquely and wonderfully created. However, we do not always get along. It is critical that you research the setting in which you will be studying as well as the person who will be teaching you. Credentials are not always the “be all, end all,” but they can help.When selecting an environment, ensure that you or your child feel safe, and that it is inviting and inventive. If they do not invest in their space, home, or studio, how much will they invest in you and your education? Is it comfortable? Personalities are equally important. Is the tutor excited about what they do and can teach you? Are they transparent about their capabilities and limitations? Are their teaching methods flexible, gentle, and inventive for children with learning and behavioral disabilities? After the first class, meet with your child at home in a relaxed environment where they can freely discuss their feelings about the teacher. It’s acceptable if your child doesn’t connect with them.

One advantage of using is that the company works hard to find qualified, patient, and informed instructors. Every month, around 1,000 instructors apply to become certified, with less than 5% succeeding. The FirstClass Guarantee allows you to swap teachers until you find the greatest fit for you or your child.

Methods and Expectations

It’s great to start learning something new! It’s exciting and enjoyable! Then comes practice time and scheduling constraints, and you realize you didn’t have as much time to devote to your music as you had planned. Today, children are just as busy as their parents. All of my students participate in at least one or two extracurricular activities, and some even more. This determines practice time, which affects how quickly you or your child learn.

Here are a few questions to ask:

What are the practical requirements? Are you expected to advance at a certain rate? Are there any recitals involved? Again, how accommodating is this instructor toward students who may have disabilities? Does your teacher primarily employ a single technique or book series? Do they only teach from the book? Good, comprehensive piano instructors will cover the techniques, exercises, and theory required to achieve the learning goals specified for each skill level. Actual instructors have told me not to attempt to teach rhythm, scales, sight-reading, or ear training since the students will not understand and apply the teaching.

However, my kindergarten kids are very capable of doing so; with all of the material provided, in their own time, and with consistency, they can create a sense of musicality using these principles. A lousy teacher will just assign a page from the book and send the student home to study it. The following week, the teacher will expect the pupil to know how to play it. This isn’t teaching.

Creativity, Flexibility and Motivation

What will the teacher do to encourage you or your child to learn, pique your interest, and provide practice time? Aside from a demand for practice time, are they willing or able to motivate their students to make the most of their lessons? Do they offer incentives? Are they creative? Are they willing to go beyond the lesson book and play piano games that incorporate fingering exercises, flash cards, and written music in an engaging way for the student? These are crucial questions to ask while interviewing a teacher. Consider what you are willing to do to inspire yourself or your child to practice, learn, and continue with sessions.

It has developed the S.T.A.R. Program to assist pupils stay interested. The organization requires all instructors in their program to maintain an instruction Success Journal following each instruction. This is an online tool that allows parents to monitor their child’s progress in their lessons. After each class, your teacher will sign in online and enter (a) what was covered that day; (b) what the student performed well; (c) what the student needs assistance with; and (d) what the student should prepare for the next lesson. Your account also includes online Practice Pages, where you can teach your child to track their practice time. This information is shared with your instructor so that they can better prepare for the following lessons.

Private vs. Group Lessons

Every child I’ve received from a class or group environment in the last ten years has had significant gaps in their music education, or they knew nothing and learnt by duplicating the fingerings. No one has demonstrated thorough grasp and mastery of a single unit in their lesson books.Having said that, I don’t blame anyone in particular; rather, I blame a lack of awareness of what is required to succeed with this type of education. In this type of setting, you must have worked consistently on your own, practiced carefully, and done everything to stay up with the class.

As a result, the disadvantages are easily identified. It is uncommon for a student to return home and lose track of their new material. Once you fall behind in a class, it is your responsibility to catch up, which can be tough and burdensome, causing many to drop out. I recommend class or group settings for persons who are conscientious and disciplined. This is ideal and more cost-effective for students who need little guidance.

Private classes are more expensive, but they provide comparable benefits. One-on-one instruction is perfect for students who want extra care and attention, or simply need more certainty. Private sessions should be tailored to the student’s individual learning needs. This is where the expenses are incurred. Time is valuable—it’s all about timing and focus. Time spent with individualized attention can be quite useful. Progress is often far faster, and retention is notably higher, particularly among younger children.If you take the time to consider these factors when looking for an instructor, you will be able to find one who is not only qualified, but also fits your or your child’s personality, inspires learning, and will ensure that you or your child is fully educated and assisted in mastering the wonderful art of music.

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