How to Make Sure Your Child Thrives This Fall

Like many parents, you may be wondering how to ensure that your child is cognitively and emotionally ready to return to school this fall, as well as what you can do to help them when they return. Back-to-school preparation might seem overwhelming, but don’t worry – you’ve come to the right place, and you’re better prepared than you think. “Parents know their children much better than anyone else,” says Julie Lopez, a partner and math teacher. “Compared to even the most decorated educator with masters and doctorate degrees, a loving parent is still the best and most influential teacher for their child.”

While the new school year may appear to be full of huge changes, and the previous year may have been filled with challenges, it is critical to recognize that you, as a parent, have the opportunity to build a positive narrative about your child’s upcoming learning experiences. You, as a parent, may ensure that your child’s relationship with school is good, rewarding, and growth-oriented. Let’s get started with our back-to-school planning guide for parents!

Why is Back-to-School Season So Stressful for Parents?

Parents frequently experience stress during the back-to-school season, owing to the following: Financial concerns, such as the need to purchase new school supplies. Transportation organization is an example of planning and logistics. Preparing pupils for the academic demands of a new grade level. Balancing work and home responsibilities. Making sure students have a smooth transition to the new school year.

As a parent, one of the best ways to prepare for back-to-school is to avoid doing everything yourself. We’ll give you some back-to-school preparation tips in this article, but keep in mind that outsourcing a few things here and there does not make you a bad parent; it makes you an organized one! Another option is to sign your youngster up for tutoring. Our tutors may help with everything from academic subjects like math and English to basic study skills and organization. Check out some of the key benefits of tutoring below.

How Can Parents Prepare for Back-to-School Success?

If you are a parent getting ready to send your child back to school, the process is definitely overwhelming. It might be challenging to prepare mentally for back-to-school and cope with logistics (such as finding daycare after school while still working!). Routines are important for more than just children. A steady routine can also be useful to parents. Before school starts, get yourself and your family back on a regular sleep and eating pattern. Create a consistent bedtime and wake-up schedule, and aim to eat your meals at the same time every day. This way, when the first day of school arrives, things will be less stressful.

Get the Right School Supplies

Getting the correct gear is one of the most critical steps in preparing to return to school. Review the school’s supply list and buy the goods your child needs. While it may be exciting to stock up on colorful goods, stick to the necessities that your child will require for the upcoming school year. You don’t want to overspend and end up having products that aren’t needed or can be provided by the school.

To avoid last-minute shopping trips, plan to get new clothes for your child several weeks before school begins. Before making any purchases, check the school’s dress code guidelines. It’s also a good idea to involve your child in the process by allowing them to select clothing that they like and feel comfortable in. Never neglect to update your child’s medical records. This includes vaccinations, physical exams, and other medical-related paperwork. Ensure that your child’s health insurance card and emergency contact information are updated and on file with the school.

Maintaining open communication with your child’s school is critical. Attend back-to-school orientation, review the school handbook, and contact your child’s teacher. Make sure you grasp the school’s expectations, policies, and processes. Knowing what is expected of your child might give them peace of mind and decrease any anxiety they may have.

How Can Mindset Help With Back-to-School Preparation for Students?

Back-to-school preparation is largely influenced by one’s attitude. This is because children’s emotional connection to learning is critical. As a parent, you have some say in your child’s educational narrative; you can help shape your child’s relationship with learning and, as a result, improve their academic performance. Research shows a substantial correlation between a student’s mindset and academic achievement. In 2019, academics conducted a countrywide experiment to see whether a growth mindset increases achievement. The results were published in a scientific publication.

Can a Growth Mindset Help My Child’s Academic Performance?

Developing a growth mindset could be an important part of preparing for back-to-school. According to Carol Dweck, a growth mindset researcher, “individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, excellent techniques, and feedback from others) have a growth mindset.” They typically outperform those with a more restrictive perspective.” One study followed a nationally representative sample of 12,000 ninth-grade students from 65 US schools as they began high school. One group of these children participated in a 45-minute online intervention session designed to challenge the belief that intelligence is fixed and that effort or mistakes indicate a lack of ability. The control group did not take part in the online session.

Students who received the intervention had reduced fixed mentality beliefs than those in the control group. The following year, lower-achieving students’ GPAs rose, as did enrollment in advanced math courses at all levels. Teachers’ perspectives are also quite essential. Another longitudinal research of 150 STEM teachers and 15,000 students found that classrooms led by professors who believe ability is a fixed attribute had racial achievement gaps that were up to twice as large as courses taught by faculty with a growth mindset.

How Can You Help Your Child Develop a Growth Mindset?

So, how can you assist your child establish a development mentality, and how does this relate to back-to-school preparation? “The best way to help your child gain confidence is to be their cheerleader,” says TakeLessons partner and public school math instructor Mary Lou Hoffman. “Don’t be false, but when they accomplish a goal – any goal, no matter how small – cheer them on to reach the next goal.”

As a parent, you have the ability to change the narrative around your child’s relationship with learning, which can be an important part of addressing how to prepare for school to begin after a year of disrupted education. Begin by explaining to your child that “brains can get stronger.” When your child says they can’t do something, begin using the word “yet”. Remind them that instead of stating “I can’t do that,” they may use “yet” – for example, “I can’t do that yet.” Parents are among the most influential role models for young students. Modeling a growth mindset for your child is one way to encourage it. Say,

Effort Over Results – Embrace Challenge

Recognize and celebrate your child’s efforts and perseverance. Say something like, “I can see how hard you’ve worked and how far you’ve come. “Well done!” And, rather of waiting to see how your child completes a project or test, point out when they are engaged on the process. Whatever grade your child is in, their efforts on an assignment or project should always be recognized. In a development mentality, obstacles are simply opportunities to progress. Remind your youngster that challenges are interesting and encourage them to use their creativity to solve problems. When your child is stuck on a school project or homework assignment, ask questions like, “What are some different ways?”
Giving children permission to fail will enhance their willingness to take risks and minimize the worry that comes with trying to succeed.

The ability to see failure as an opportunity for growth is a valuable skill that your child will likely carry with them as they advance through high school, college. It is also an important part of preparing for back-to-school this fall. Reading books on the growth mindset is a great approach to start a conversation with your child. There are some excellent children’s books about the growth mindset that are both enjoyable and educational. Choose a book that your child can relate to and interact with. After reading, ask your child about what they learned and how they might apply it in their own lives.

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